Friday, July 11, 2008

hmmm.... really truee....

I has been a pretty long time tat i have not posted anything... Today wanna share something said by one of my dearest friend which i find realllyyy true...I keep reading it most of the times when i feel sick of this world ...and it has helped me a lot in changing my perspective....
Here it goes like this...........

"Sometimes in life, things happen to you or around you that you cannot explain, may they be good or bad, the worst things may happen to the best of ppl, ppl who dnt deserve it, and really good things may befall ppl who are not deserving, according to all of us, we like to think we know, we want what we deserve, but that's not true.... Whatever happens to us in this life, has been written by the same hands that controls, that has created everything else, the proof is everywhere, its just that our limited wisdom does not compare to the lord's infinite wisdom, and in his infinite wisdon he knows best... There is always a much brighter side to anything mis-fortune, no matter how dire it may be, that happens to us. We all should fear God and no one else.......!!"


Anonymous said...

So true ... I was lost in my own thoughts, after reading this post of yours.... So true these words were ... :-)


Tauqeer said...

cannot agree any more..


Beautiful thought sweetheart. just like u .!!! keep writing often.